Results for "P"

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  Title Copies
Edition: nr 41.1 i 2(2015), 42.1(2016), 43.1(2017)  
Proceeding of the Seminar for Arabian Studies  
Edition: nr 37(2007)-45, 47, 48(2018) 
Paleo-express. Comunicazioni di preistoria italiana 
Edition: 1(1998)-4(1999) 
Pro Austria Romana 
Edition: nr 45/49(1995/1996) 
Pomorania antiqua 
Edition: 21(2006) 
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 
Edition: 1(1990)-25(2016) 
ISSN: 1234-5415 
Palmyrenische Grabarchitektur 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Palmyra. Geschichte, Kunst und Kultur der syrischen Oasenstadt" 
Year: 1987 
Patterns of extraction and production in the white marble quarries of the Mediterranean. History, present problems and prospects 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Ancient marble quarrying and trade: papers from a colloquium held at the annual meeting of the Archaeological Inst. of America, San Antonio, Texas, December, 1986"  
Year: 1988 
Preface: East is east? 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "The early Roman empire in the East" 
Year: 1997 
Palmyrene Aramaic inscriptions and the Bible 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Zeitschrift für Althebraistik" t. 11 
Year: 1998