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  Title Copies
Separatismo ed integrazione nel mondo gallo-germanico (14-192 d.C.) 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Corsi di cultura sull'arte ravennate e bizantina" t. 24 
Year: 1977 
Sculptures palmyréniennes inédites du Musée de Damas 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Annales Archéologiques de Syrie" t. 3 
Year: 1953 
Sculptures des fouilles polonaises à Kom El-Dikka (1960-1982) 
Year: 1988 
ISBN: 8301065303 
ISBN 13: 9788301065300 
Series: Alexandrie 4 
Sculpture during the Roman period in the region of Zeugma 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "International Symposium on Zeugma: from past to future"  
Year: 2006 
Schweizer Ausgrabungen in ez Zantur, Petra. Vorbericht der kampagne 1988 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan" t. 34 
Year: 1990 
Rzeźby z nekropoli twierdzy legionowej Novae (z wykopalisk polskich) 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Balcanica Posnaniensia. Acta et studia" t. 3 
Year: 1984 
Römische Grabreliefs aus der Südosttürkei 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "The proceedings of the Xth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Ankara-İzmir, 23-30 IX 1973" 
Year: 1978 
Römisch-ägyptische Grabreliefs. Der aktuelle Stand eines Forschungsprojekts 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Roma e l'Egitto nell'antichità classica. Atti del I Congresso internazionale italo-egiziano, Cairo 6-9 febbraio 1989" 
Year: 1992 
Roman Carmarthen. Excavations 1978-1993 
Year: 2003 
ISBN: 0907764304 
ISBN 13: 9780907764304 
Roman and Early Byzantine Glass from Romania and Northern Bulgaria. Archaeological and technological study 
Year: 2014 
ISBN 13: 9788363760236