
Tag: stemple ceramiczne [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Imported Hellenistic and Roman pottery 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Excavations at Dor, final report, vol. 1B: Areas A and C: the finds" 
Year: 1995 
Imported Greek stamped amphora handles 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Jewish quarter excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969-1982, t. 1: Architecture and stratigraphy. Ares A, W and X-2. Final report" 
Year: 2000 
Griechische amphorenstempel vom Tell Halaf bis zum Persischen Golf 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Baghdader Mitteilungen", t. 7 
Year: 1974 
Griechische Amphorenstempel hellenistischer Zeit der Grabungen 1974-1994 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Karthago", t. 3 
Year: 1999 
Glanes amphoriques (II) : Régions de Montpellier, Sète, Ensérune, Le Cayla (Mailhac) 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Études sur Pézenas et l'Hérault", t. 12, z. 3 
Year: 1981 
Excavations in Cyprus, 1890. Third season's work. Salamis 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "The Journal of Hellenic Studies", t. 12 (tylko s. 93, 174, 196-198) 
Year: 1891 
Excavations at the City of David, 1978-1985, vol. 2: Imported stamped amphora handles, coins, worked bone and ivory, and glass 
Edition: (ksero) 
Year: 1990 
Series: Qedem, 30 
Excavations at Tell el-Balamun, 1991-1994 
Edition: (ksero, tylko s. 10, 17 i pl. 78) 
Year: 1996 
Etude quantitative sur les timbres amphoriques sinopeens a Callatis 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Dacia", t. 34 
Year: 1990 
Epigrafía anfórica de Mas Castellar-Pontós: ánforas grecoitálicas y masaliotas 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Pyrenae", t. 28 
Year: 1997