
Category: Egipt [ All ]

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  Title Copies
The temple of Tuthmosis III: Statuary and votive monuments (Deir el-Bahari) 
Year: 1984 
ISBN: 8301045566 
ISBN 13: 9788301045562 
Topography of Ancient Alexandria: An Archaeological Map 
Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century Volume 3: Language, conservation, museology 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2003 
ISBN: 9774247159 
ISBN 13: 9789774247156 
The temple of Tuthmosis III. The architecture 
Year: 1977 
Tell el-Dab'a II. Der Fundort im Rahmen einer archäologisch-geographischen Untersuchung über das ägyptische Ostdelta 
Edition: (tekst + teczka z planami) 
Year: 1975 
ISBN: 3700101368 
ISBN 13: 9783700101369 
Gebelein: an overview 
Year: 2016 
Krajobraz i sztuka naskalna. W palimpsecie egipskiej Oazy Dachla 
Year: 2016 
ISBN 13: 9788360109519 
ISSN: 02084988 
Journey to the West: The world of the Old Kingdom tombs 
Year: 2011 
ISBN: 8073083833 
ISBN 13: 9788073083830 
Królowa Hatszepsut i jej świątynia 3500 lat później / Queen Hatshepsut and Her Temple 3500 Years Later 
Year: 2001 
ISBN: 8388823752 
ISBN 13: 9788388823756 
Ashmunein (1982). British Museum Expedition to Middle Egypt. 
Year: 1983