
Tag: architektura sakralna [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Novae - western sector, 1995-1997. Preliminary report on the excavations of the Warsaw University archaeological expedition 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Archeologia" t. 49 
Year: 1998 
Restoration and clearance in and around the Temple of Artemis compound in Jerash, 1977-1979 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan" t. 25 
Year: 1981 
Prothesis de la Cathédrale de Faras. Documents et recherches 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Revue des Archéologues et Historiens d’Art de Louvain" t. 9 
Year: 1976 
Uwagi nad genezą świątyń palmyreńskich 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Studia Palmyreńskie" t. 5 
Year: 1974 
Time and space in the Sun Pyramid from Teotihuacan 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Contributions in New World Archaeology" nr 1 
Year: 1977 
Pyramids and ziggurats as the architectonic representations of the archetype of the Cosmic Mountain. Part I 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Almogaren" t. 7 
Year: 1976 
Fouilles à Khirbet-Edh-Dharih (Jordanie), 1984-1987 - un village, son sanctuaire et sa nécropole aux époques nabatéenne et romaine (Ier-IVe siècles ap. J.-C.) 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres" t. 132, nr 2 
Year: 1988 
The Akhenaten Temple Project, Vol. 1: Initial discoveries 
Year: 1977 
ISBN: 0856680346 
ISBN 13: 9780856680342 
The Cathedral in Old Dongola and Its Antecedents (Nubia I, Dongola 2) 
Edition: 1st 
Year: 1990 
ISBN: 8301044594 
ISBN 13: 9788301044596 
Recherches Archéologiques À Haïdra II: La basilique I dite de Melléus (Volume 2) 
Year: 1981 
ISBN: 2728300208 
ISBN 13: 9782728300204