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Timbres amphoriques de Crocodilopolis-Arsinoe 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale", t. 77 
Year: 1977 
Timbres amphoriques provenant de Tanis. Complément 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale", t. 84 
Year: 1984 
Amphoras from Naukratis and environs 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Recherches sur les amphores grecques" 
Year: 1986 
Rhodian amphorae as evidence for the relations between late Punic Carthage and Rhodes 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Acta Hyperborea", t. 5 
Year: 1993 
Les centres de production amphoriques identifiés à Istros Pontique 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Recherches sur les amphores grecques" 
Year: 1986 
Amphorenstempel und die Gründung von Tanais 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Transport amphorae and trade in the Eastern Mediterranean" 
Year: 2004 
Some reflections on the amphora stamps with the name of Amastris 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "The cauldron of Ariantas: studies presented to A.N. Sceglov on the occasion of his 70th birthday" 
Year: 2003 
Greek amphorae from the Polish-Ukrainian excavations at Koshary, Odessa District (fourth and third centuries BC): a first presentation 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Transport amphorae and trade in the Eastern Mediterranean" 
Year: 2004 
Timbres amphoriques et autres inscriptions céramiques découverts à Satu Nou (comm. d'Oltina, dép. de Constantza) 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Dacia", t. 35 
Year: 1991 
Etude quantitative sur les timbres amphoriques sinopeens a Callatis 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Dacia", t. 34 
Year: 1990