
Tag: ceramika hellenistyczna [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Stamped amphora handles and unstamped amphora fragments from Acre ('Akko) 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Atiqot", t. 50 
Year: 2005 
Appendix IV: stamped amphora handles 
Edition: ksero z tomu "Settlement dynamics and regional diversity in ancient Upper Galilee" 
Year: 2001 
Ikaros - the Hellenistic settlements vol. 2:1. The Hellenistic pottery from Failaka. With a survey of Hellenistic pottery in the Near East 
Year: 1983 
Stamped amphora handles 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Tel Anafa I.1. Final report on ten years of excavation at a Hellenistic and Roman settlement in northern Israel" 
Year: 1994 
Stamped amphora handles from Bet-She'an: evidence for the urban development of the city in the Hellenistic period 
Edition: ksero z tomu "Transport amphorae and trade in the Eastern Mediterranean" 
Year: 2004 
Ελληνιστική κεραμική από την Κρήτη (Ellēnistikē keramikē apo tēn Krētē) 
Year: 1997 
Stamped amphora handles and amphoras 
Edition: niepublikowany manuskrypt 
Year: 1998 
Targowskite wrazki na Rodos sas zapadnopontijskite gradowie prez elinisticzeskata epoha 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Izwiestija na narodnij muzej - Warna", t. 13 
Year: 1977 
Stamped amphora handles from Giv'at Yasaf (Tell er-Ras) 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Atiqot", t. 37 
Year: 1999 
Les anses d'amphores timbrées et les amphores: aspects quantitatifs 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Bulletin de correspondance hellénique", t. 106, z. 1 
Year: 1982