
Tag: Petra [ All ]

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  Title Copies
La découverte des papyrus byzantins de Pétra 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres" t. 141, z. 3 
Year: 1997 
Swiss-Lichtenstein excavations at ez-Zantur in Petra 1991. The third campaign 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan" t. 36 
Year: 1992 
Ein Verehrungplatz der Isis in Petra neu untersucht 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins" t. 114, nr 2 
Year: 1998 
The Finnish Jabal Harun Project: report on the 1997 season 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan" t. 42 
Year: 1998 
Das Nabatäische Wohnhaus und das urbanistiche System der Wohnquartiere in Petra 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Antike Kunst" t. 35, nr 2 
Year: 1992 
Rucuma e Petra 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Antiquités africaines" t. 26 
Year: 1990 
The Roman street of the Petra Project, 1997: a preliminary report 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan" t. 42 
Year: 1998 
Schweizer Ausgrabungen in ez Zantur, Petra. Vorbericht der kampagne 1988 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan" t. 34 
Year: 1990 
The Petra Church 
Year: 2001 
ISBN: 9957854305 
ISBN 13: 9789957854300 
A new commemorative stele at Petra 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Essays in memory of Paul W. Lapp" 
Year: 1971