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Nieznana bazylika w Marei w Egipcie 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Starożytność chrześcijańska. Materiały zebrane" t. 2 
Year: 2010 
Time and space in the Sun Pyramid from Teotihuacan 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Contributions in New World Archaeology" nr 1 
Year: 1977 
Ténos. Sanctuaire de Poseidon et d'Amphitrite 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Bulletin de correspondance hellénique" t. 100 
Year: 1976 
"Chahar Taq" et temple du feu sassanide : quelques remarques 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "De l'Indus aux Balkans : recueil à la mémoire de J. Deshayes" 
Year: 1985 
Sergilla. Village d Apamene. Tome I : une Architecture de Pierre 
Edition: (I. Texte, II. Planches + Depliants w osobnej teczce) 
Volume: 203/I+II 
Year: 2013 
ISBN: 2351593936 
ISBN 13: 9782351593936 
The sacred space in ancient Arab religions 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan" t. 1 
Year: 1982 
Pyramids and ziggurats as the architectonic representations of the archetype of the Cosmic Mountain. Part I 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Almogaren" t. 7 
Year: 1976 
Architectural decor of the basilica in Marea (Egypt). Preliminary report 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Non solum villae: ksie̢ga jubileuszowa ofiarowana profesorowi Stanisławowi Medekszy" 
Year: 2010 
Ténos. Le sanctuaire de Poseidon et d'Amphitrite 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Bulletin de correspondance hellénique" t. 99 
Year: 1975 
Die Umwandlung der Synagoge von Apamea in eine Kirche. Eine mentalitätsgeschichtliche Studie 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Tesserae. Festschrift für Josef Engemann" 
Year: 1991