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  Title Copies
De Dea Syria et aliis diis deabusque. A study of the variety of appearances of Gad in Aramaic inscriptions and on sculptures from the Near East in the first three centuries AD (Part 1) 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica" t. 28 
Year: 1997 
Egipskie hieroglify 
Year: 1998 
ISBN: 8386822899 
L'Ecriture Figurative dans les Textes d'Esna 
Year: 1982 
La langue de Ras Shamra 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Syria" t. 21, nr 1 
Year: 1940 
Ludy i języki starożytnej Anatolii 
Year: 1999 
Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs 
Edition: Revised ed. 
Year: 2000 
ISBN: 0521653126 
ISBN 13: 9780521653121 
Some performative utterances in the Bible 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual, Law, and Literature in Honor of Jacob Milgrom" 
Year: 1995 
Sumerian and Tibeto-Burman 
Year: 2001 
ISBN: 838711118X 
ISBN 13: 9788387111182 
Textes et langages de l'Egypte pharaonique : Cent cinquante années de recherches 1822-1972 : Hommage à Jean-François Champollion 
Edition: (3 tomy) 
Year: 1972 
Visible Language: Inventions of Writing in the Ancient Middle East and Beyond 
Year: 2010 
ISBN: 1885923767 
ISBN 13: 9781885923769