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  Title Copies
Die hellenistische Befestigung von Seleukeia Gadara (Umm Qays) 
Edition: 2 tomy 
Year: 2020 
ISBN: 3896466720 
ISBN 13: 9783896466723 
Focus on Fortifications: New Research on Fortifications in the Ancient Mediterranean and the Near East 
Year: 2016 
ISBN: 1785701312 
ISBN 13: 9781785701313 
Ancient Fortifications: A Compendium of Theory and Practice 
Year: 2016 
La forteresse byzantine de Thamugadi 
Year: 1981 
ISBN: 2222026768 
ISBN 13: 9782222026761 
On the Road to Edom. Discoveries from En Hazeva 
Year: 1995 
Kuwaiti-French Expedition in Failaka. The Hellenistic Fortress (Tell Said). Preliminary Scientific Report 2009 
Year: 2012 
Elginhaugh: A Flavian Fort and its Annexe 
Edition: (2 tomy) 
Year: 2007 
ISBN: 0907764347 
ISBN 13: 9780907764342 
Poliorcétique au Proche-Orient à l'âge du Bronze : Fortifications urbaines, procédés de siège et systèmes défensifs 
Year: 2012 
ISBN: 2351593693 
ISBN 13: 9782351593691 
The Development of Defence System of Eastern Anatolia (the Armenian Upland), from the Beginning of the Kingdom of Urartu to the End of Antiquity 
Year: 2003 
ISBN: 8391922146 
ISBN 13: 9788391922149 
Tell el Hajj, place forte du limes de l'Euphrate aux 1er et 4e s. ap. J.-C. 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "Le moyen Euphrate : zone de contacts et d'échanges : actes du colloque de Strasbourg, 10-12 mars 1977" 
Year: 1980