
Tag: Wczesne chrześcijaństwo [ All ]

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  Title Copies
New outline of the history of Nubian church architecture 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "BABesch" t. 55, z. 1 
Year: 1980 
Faras IV. Inscriptions grecques chretiennes 
Year: 1974 
Archeologia chrześcijańska 
Year: 1994 
ISBN: 8301114266 
Kellia I. Kom 219. Fouilles exécutées en 1964 et 1965 
Edition: (I. Texte; II. Planches) 
Year: 1969 
Deir el-Naqlun: The Greek papyri (P. Naqlun I) 
Year: 1995 
ISBN: 8323098204 
ISBN 13: 9788323098201 
Faras VIII. The Bishops of Faras: An Anthropological-Medical Study 
Edition: 1st 
Year: 1985 
ISBN: 8301044608 
ISBN 13: 9788301044602 
Faras VII. Les éléments décoratifs sur les peintures de la Cathédrale de Faras 
Edition: 1st 
Year: 1982 
ISBN: 830101301X 
Wielkie królestwa chrześcijańskie w Nubii = The Great Christian Kingdoms of Nubia 
Year: 2013 
ISBN 13: 9788360109311 
St. Raphael Church I at Banganarti: Mid-Sixth to Mid-Eleventh Century, an Introduction to the Site and the Epoch 
Year: 2012 
ISBN: 8385824561 
ISBN 13: 9788385824565 
Kings and Pilgrims: St Raphael Church II at Banganarti, Mid-Eleventh to Mid-Eighteenth Century (Nubia) 
Year: 2014 
ISBN: 8375433713 
ISBN 13: 9788375433715