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  Title Copies
"Chahar Taq" et temple du feu sassanide : quelques remarques 
Edition: nadbitka z tomu "De l'Indus aux Balkans : recueil à la mémoire de J. Deshayes" 
Year: 1985 
The Cambridge Ancient History: Plates to vol. 3. The Middle East, the Greek world and the Balkans to the sixth century B.C. 
Year: 1984 
Céramique de l'âge du bronze en Syrie vol. 1. La Syrie du sud et la vallée de l'Oronte 
Year: 2002 
ISBN: 2912738164 
ISBN 13: 9782912738165 
Between the Cataracts: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference for Nubian Studies, Warsaw University 27 August - 2 September 2006. Part two, fasc. 1: Session papers 
Year: 2010 
ISBN: 8323507392 
ISBN 13: 9788323507390 
Old Kingdom Pottery from Giza 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2008 
ISBN: 9773059863 
ISBN 13: 9789773059866 
Akh Purattim vol. 2. Les rives de l'Euphrate 
Year: 2007 
ISBN: 2903264961 
ISBN 13: 9782903264963 
Das Eschmunheiligtum von Sidon. Die Funde der türkischen Ausgrabungen von 1901 bis 1903 im Archäologischen Museum in Istanbul 
Edition: nadbitka z czasopisma "Istanbuler Mitteilungen" t. 37 
Year: 1987 
Long distance trade in the Bronze Age and early Iron Age : conference materials, Wrocław, 19-20th April 2005 
Volume: 40 
Year: 2007 
ISBN: 8322928459 
ISBN 13: 9788322928455 
Porphyreon: Hellenistic and Roman Pottery Production in the Sidon Hinterland 
Year: 2016 
ISBN: 8394228844 
ISBN 13: 9788394228842 
Early Iron Age Metal-Working Workshop in Empty Quarter, al-Zahira Province, Sultanate of Oman 
Year: 2018 
ISBN 13: 9783774941120